Monday, May 23, 2016

Oppo R7 Plus or iPhone 6s Plus.

 Oppo R7 Plus.

Oppo R7 Plus. Supplied
Indeed, in some respects that matter a great deal to many people, the R7 Plus has better features than a top-quality  phone. It's got a 6-inch screen, which is big even by the standards of plus-sized phones like the iPhone 6 Plus (5.5 inches) or the Galaxy Edge+ (5.7 inches). It's a monstrous phone – a little too big for my tastes – but at least it's got another feature that's better than those top-quality  phones: it's got a relatively tiny bezel, and a screen-to-body ratio of 77 per cent, compared to 68 per cent for the iPhone 6s Plus and 76 per cent for the Galaxy Edge+, meaning the 6-inch screen doesn't make the Oppo quite as huge as it might have.

It's bloody huge, but if Apple had made it with the same proportions as it made the iPhone 6s Plus, you might as well just shove a SIM in a MacBook Air and call that a phone. It would be cheaper, too.

Apart from the size, there is another respect in which the R7 Plus out-plusses the plus-sized, plus-priced phones – the battery, one of the most critical aspects of all phones. It doesn't matter how much you love your iPhone, if the battery is dead the phone is little better than a prop for showing people how much money you are willing to spend.

What the Oppo has isn't so much a brilliant battery life as a brilliant battery charger. Using the Oppo R7 Plus for a week, I found it got a day of usage on a single charge, which is fairly normal for a big-screened phone but nowhere near the two or three days I can get on a small phone like Sony's Xperia Compact.

The charging is another matter. Where the battery in an iPhone 6 Plus can be charged from completely flat to completely full in about 2 hours 40 minutes according to our tests using one of Apple's more powerful, 2.1-amp chargers, the Oppo can go from zero to 100 in little more than an hour. It's got a 4 amp charger, you see, which to our knowledge is the most powerful charger on the market. (And, no, you can't just buy an Oppo charger and use it on your iPhone. You have to have a phone that's capable of using all those amps, too.)

Perhaps of more interest to anyone who's had to do an emergency recharge on their phone, you can get the R7 Plus back to 15 to 20 per cent charged, from empty, in just 10 minutes in our tests. Oppo says a mere five minutes of charging is worth  2 hours of talk time, though I'm not a big enough talker to have tested that. In any event, it means you would only need a couple of minutes hugging the wall at an airport to get yourself back in action with this phone. It's brilliant, and there have been plenty of occasions when I have been so desperate for a fast charge, I would have swapped my much more expensive Galaxy Note for an R7 Plus in a heartbeat.

Under less stressful circumstances, I wouldn't do the swap, however. Like I said, the phone is a little too big for my tastes, but also there are other things about the R7 Plus that mean it's not as good as a Note or an iPhone.

It's quite a lot slower than other high-end phones, though I should point out the slowness show up far more in benchmark tests than in day-to-day operations, where the R7 Plus runs pretty smoothly.

Like the iPhone and the Galaxy edge, and very surprisingly given the price, the R7 Plus has a fingerprint scanner on it, which lets you unlock your phone without having to enter a password. It actually works pretty well - it's one of the more modern fingerprint readers you only have to touch, rather than one you have to slide your finger over, and it unlocks your phone very quickly - but unfortunately the scanner doesn't seem to work with third-party apps such as LastPass. Worse than that, the fingerprint reader is on the back rather than on the front as it is with the iPhone and Galaxy, and on the back it means you have to pick up your phone to unlock it. I don't know what the stats are for people unlocking their phones while the phone is still sitting on their desk, but for me it's got to be 30 or 40 per cent, meaning the scanner is only 60 or 70 per cent as useful as it could be.

Then again, it is 60 per cent cheaper, so what do you want? Everything?

The other thing I wasn't a fan of was the software. The R7 Plus runs a version of Android that Oppo calls ColorOS, which isn't too bad as far as heavy-handed Android skins go - it's theme-able, at least, though I can't say I loved any of the themes - but which could do with being a little more like regular Android and a little less like an iPhone clone. Where is the app drawer?

Indeed, with another one of its phones, the Find 7, Oppo actually releases a version of the firmware that is pure Android, and it's a pity it doesn't do the same thing with the R7 Plus. Oppo is targeting the R7 Plus at style-conscious consumers, rather than the more technically minded consumers it has designed the Find7 for, but we can't see why it can't offer style-conscious consumer the option of pure Android, too, if for no other reason than pure Android is very, very stylish nowadays, to our mind the best looking of all the various Android incarnations.

With pure Android, the R7 Plus would be something. Sure, you'd need deep pockets to carry one around, but you wouldn't need deep pockets to get one.

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